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And How To Do It Properly

People commonly prepare for earthquakes in a couple of ways. One is having an emergency communication plan. Do not rely on cell phones or other devices that require electricity. This is why our product is perfect as it runs on solar power. Develop a plan for reuniting after the disaster in case family members are separated from one another during an earthquake. Next you should check to see if items in your home could fall. You want to stay away from those. Afterward, you should now find safe places to occupy. Tables and desks are the #1 recommended spots, doorways not so much due to the more likely chance of debris coming in contact with the persons under said doorway. The final and most important thing to have are supplies like water, flashlights, food, protective gloves, a battery-operated radio, and other items alike. You can find more information on this informational webpage



What to be by

Take cover underneath a table away from objects that could harm or hurt you when broken. Then, cover your face and head with your arm and hold on. And also remember that doorways are NOT recommended to stand under.

Things to remember

 If not able to make it to shelter, remain where you are and brace yourself.  If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with your pillow

What NOT to be by

Glass can shatter during an earthquake, so be sure to stay away from windows or any other type of glass. Likewise, remember to stay away from fireplaces and away from the kitchen.

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